
Jan.1,2024,NEWYEAR'SDAY;Jan.15,2024,MARTINLUTHERKINGJR.DAY(Observed);Mar.4,2024,GUAMHISTORY&CHAMORROHERITAGEDAY;May27,2024,MEMORIAL ...,關島假日度假村(HOLIDAYRESORT&SPAGUAM)採古典歐洲形式設計,法式弧形窗其商標。餐飲設施有啤酒「LaBrasserie」、加拿大牛排館「海茲餐廳」,亦備有宴會場地可供多 ...,SetintheheartofGuam'stouristhub,Tumon,theHolidayResort&SpaGuamputsyouinreachofentertainme...

Government of Guam Holidays

Jan. 1, 2024, NEW YEAR'S DAY ; Jan. 15, 2024, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY (Observed) ; Mar. 4, 2024, GUAM HISTORY & CHAMORRO HERITAGE DAY ; May 27, 2024, MEMORIAL ...

Holiday Resort & Spa Guam

關島假日度假村(HOLIDAY RESORT & SPA GUAM)採古典歐洲形式設計,法式弧形窗其商標。餐飲設施有啤酒「La Brasserie」、 加拿大牛排館「海茲餐廳」,亦備有宴會場地可供多 ...

Holiday Resort & Spa Guam

Set in the heart of Guam's tourist hub, Tumon, the Holiday Resort & Spa Guam puts you in reach of entertainment, recreational activities, luxury and budget ...

Holiday Resort & Spa Guam

關島溫泉度假酒店是旅客停留杜夢灣的絕佳住宿選擇,親子風格而且同時提供多種飯店設備讓您的住宿體驗更加完美。 客房提供平板電視、冰箱和空調設施,上網也很輕鬆因為 ...

The Holidays of Guam

The Holidays of Guam. New Year's Day. Memorial Day, the last Monday of May. Independence Day, July 4th. Liberation Day, July 21st.

Today's and Upcoming Holidays in Guam

Date, Name, Type. Jul 21, Sunday, Liberation Day, Public Holiday. Jul 22, Monday, Liberation Day observed, Public Holiday. Sep 2, Monday, Labor Day ...

假日度假村(Holiday Resort & Spa)

假日度假村位於關島,提供舒適和豪華的住宿選擇。每間房間的平均價格為$123,相對於關島的平均房價$257,假日度假村的價格更為實惠。不僅如此,假日度假村還提供各種優惠和 ...

關島假日飯店(Holiday Resort & Spa Guam)

假日飯店屬於全球連鎖飯店在關島定位是中價位飯店,從飯店外觀、地點泳池、房間內部與視野等各個角度看表現都中規中矩。淡黃色的飯店外觀四平八穩,挑高加上大量大理石 ...